Posts Tagged ‘Mark Fox’

Mark Fox explains why Conservatives are delighted with the budget

22/06/2010, 04:44:45 PM

George Osborne delivered the emergency budget with confidence and clarity. He tackled the deficit head on and was clear and open about his plans.

Business on the whole will be pleased that Britain now has a decisive plan to reduce the deficit, stabilise the economy and encourage small and medium sized businesses. Industry will broadly welcome the measures that were taken to reduce tax rates. The move on CGT was expected as was the increase in VAT.

This in turn should lead to a continuation of low interest rates. Low interest rates will give business the confidence to invest in their future and recruit more staff as the economy grows. We need a private sector driven recovery. The private sector is the only part of the economy that generates the wealth – and the tax stream – to pay for what we want delivered in the public sector. (more…)

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Mark Fox says the leadership candidates should admit New Labour’s real mistakes

18/06/2010, 02:07:43 PM

For the first time in 13 years Labour finds itself adjusting to the problems and challenges of opposition – and they are real. It’s not just the chauffer driven cars and private office officials that have disappeared. More important – and much harder to overcome – is the lack of easy access to information and data, no longer having an automatic slot on prime time news and, for a while at least, still trying to argue from the policy platform on which they lost the election.

And, of course, not yet having a new leader to provide direction and purpose adds to the problem. These things will sort themselves out in time, but for a while Labour will continue to struggle. (more…)

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