by Samuel Dale
So it’s Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump.
The question now is how can Hillary beat the absurdist rise of the Donald?
The answer is simple: attack him, attack him hard and do it again & again.
Trash his character, his business record, his views on women, his lack of policies, his temperament and his bigotry and racism. Earlier today, Mitt Romney of all people showed the way.
Negative campaigning works. It works because the public are more willing to believe the worst in politicians than the best. They will tacitly agree when a politician’s flaws are being highlighted but act like cynics when politicians convey positive messages.
Every successful modern campaign goes negative and stays negative.
Labour did it in 1997 by attacking Tories on the NHS and pensions.
Obama did it in 2008 on Hillary over her support for the Iraq war.
The Tories hit Ed Miliband’s leadership & economic competence for four years to bear the fruits of victory last May. Miliband ran a positive campaign.
Obama went negative again even more successfully against Mitt Romney in 2012.
Romney was attacked remorselessly in negative ads on his business record at Bain Capital, the private equity manager.