by Ian Silvera
Consider the example of two workers: Bill and Ben. Ben receives £59.30 in return for his ten hour shift at the local restaurant. In contrast, Bill receives £49.20 for the same shift at the same restaurant. Now, ask yourself would the £10.10 difference be justified if the workers were members of a different sex? Surely, you would answer “no”. Equally, ask yourself would the £10.10 difference between the workers be justified if the workers were members of a different race? Again, you would answer “no”. You answer no because discrimination is wrong. It contradicts your belief in equality, justice and fairness. So why, today, is pay inequality legally accepted?
When New Labour gained office in 1997, it was on a mandate of fairness and equality. Gone were the 80s, a decade marked for the repulsive worship of money. In 1999, Tony Blair’s government introduced the minimum wage. The £3.60 minimum, rising, eventually, to £5.93 over the years, was hailed as a great success for social justice. The poorest were being brought out of poverty with pride. (more…)