Tommy Watson takes the fight to the Tories

When the coalition caved in to pressure and published details of – some of – its special advisers’ salaries last week – there were a few details missing.

So Tom Watson has produced this briefing paper, which contains a detailed account of the coalition’s spin doctors’ new pay rates and pensions.

It includes what last week’s document didn’t show: the additional civil service pensions that these coalition spinners can expect.

Under the civil service pension scheme, the PM’s spin man Andy Coulson gets £160K to add to his retirement pot.

These are the same “gold-plated and unfair” pension schemes that deputy pm Nick Clegg denounced this week.

Clegg said it was unreasonable to expect the taxpayer to continue to keep paying  into “unreformed gold-plated public sector pension pots” – just like those awarded to the new government.

So, Watson asks in his  letter to Nick Clegg, if low paid public sector workers are to forgo their “gold plated pots”, will all the coalition spin doctors be opting out of the civil service pension scheme?

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3 Responses to “Tommy Watson takes the fight to the Tories”

  1. Tory Bear says:

    “some off”?

    who was omitted other than those yet to be recruited?

  2. Editor says:

    Not that the advisers were omitted, but that the details of many of their salaries were.

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