by Samuel Dale
As Labour continues its march into wilderness, the Tories are free to do whatever they choose. They can march rightwards and fulfill their Thatcherite dreams for the next ten years, or they can hold the centre or move leftwards and dominate for 20 more years.
It’s an incredible choice. And after today’s speech by George Osborne it is crystal clear the Tories are going to hold the centre.
While Labour shows breath-taking arrogance after a stunning defeat, the Tories are showing incredible humility after an epic victory.
Osborne said he would listen to new ideas and pledged to win over many who voted Labour at the 2010 election. Trying to win over voters from the other side instead of insulting them. Now there’s a novel idea.
Here is the key passage talking about the 10 million Labour voters in 2010.
“We’ve got to understand their reservations. So to these working people who have been completely abandoned by a party heading off to the fringes of the left let us all here today extend our hand.
“Do you know what the supporters of the new Labour leadership now call anyone who believes in strong national defence, a market economy, and the country living within its means?
“They call them Tories. Well, it’s our job to make sure they’re absolutely right.”