Like many people I feel that I am still recovering from the strangest general election campaign that I have ever been involved in. I helped organise the Birmingham Selly Oak campaign not only in the month of the short campaign but for 3 years leading up to it. We won – thank goodness, not least because the candidate was my partner Steve McCabe.
So I say all this not as a armchair socialist but an active campaigning member of the Labour Party.
Don’t you think it is strange that there are rules and regulations about selections and elections in our Party but nothing at all about what we should get from our Labour representatives once they are elected?
I understand why the Labour Party has followed a key seat strategy, concentrating on the seats we have to win to form a government. I have been a Labour Party staffer and have been part of implementing this. But don’t you think it is time for a change. Politics is changing and the Labour Party needs to too.