For those destined to be touched by shadow greatness, this Thursday – when the shadow cabinet ballot closes and results are announced – will be the moment of ascension.
The day of light when glory is made flesh by GOTV and the victorious schmoozers rise bodily to sit at the right hand of Ed.
In the three rogation days which remain before Thursday, the devoted must Get Out the Vote.
They know how to do this. They are campaigners. Politcians. It is what they do. It is what makes them special.
With assiduity and love they have made a database. Their colleagues are on it. Colour-coded according to their level of support.
And their details are on it too. Not just their phone numbers and emails, but their personal information: their partners, children, hobby horses, tragedies – all noted to prompt and enliven that clinchingly warm conversation.
And the tearoom “bump intos” are endless. And the letters and emails are objects of scorn. And the phone calls are so many that they have become fraught.
Perhaps text messages may be the answer. Gentle, subtle, not too intrusive. But showing that you care. That you’re bothered. That you can be arsed. And that you can text.
Below is an early selection of GOTV SMSs. Long-suffering PLP members should feel welcome to send more.
You have probably been rung enough. But please consider giving me one of your votes for the Shadow Cabinet. Any questions call me 07xx xx xxxx Diane Abbott
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Dear xxxxx It was good to see you at Conference. Some week! I sent you a note about the Shadow Cabinet, and I would much appreciate your support. If you want a word then please text me back, email me at or ring me on xxxxx xxxxxx Thanks a lot and best wishes Hilary
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Hi xxxxx. In true campaign style I’m now doing get-out-the-vote for the shadow cabinet elections. I hope I can rely on your support – and please consider this number the Voter Hotline if you’d like to speak! Thanks – Emily T
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xxxxxx I’m standing for shadow cabinet. I hope you will consider giving me one of your votes. We need new faces, who have served their apprenticeship and can cut the mustard in the Commons and country. I can fulfil the need for a Welsh colleague too. I’m texting instead of pestering you with a call, but text if you’d like to talk or support me. Best. Kevin Brennan
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xxxxxx it’s Tessa – I hope you won’t feel pestered if I remind you that I’m standing for the Shadow Cabinet and I would be enormously grateful for your support. Please call if you’d like to talk…
Tags: Shadow Cabinet, Shadow cabinet election, shadow cabinet GOTV, shadow cabinet text messages, SMS
il be glad when this thing is over never mind the MP’s! alllllll over lablist and this fine website
There. I knew someone would play the “And don’t forget I’m Welsh” card!