by Anthony Bonneville
Today, Ed Miliband blew it.
Contrary to some of the warm words from the likes of Martin Sorrell and Peter Mandelson, effectively ruling out a referendum has sabotaged Labour’s last chance to win over a strong coalition of business backers, not to mention irrevocably divide the Tories.
Labour is largely united on the benefits of staying in Europe. Trade, growth, jobs and the environment are all policy areas wholly dependent on our positive relations with the continent.
It’s a strong case but one that our frontbenchers seem reluctant to make.
The media is largely hostile and in the hurly burly of daily political debate, it’s understandable that Labour politicians prioritise issues more immediately relevant to voters.
Yes, today Ed Miliband gave a speech on Europe, but how many more times will he mention the subject in the next year?
It’s clear that today’s speech was an exercise in box ticking, in doing the bare minimum before abandoning the European battlefield.
If we, as pro-Europeans, want to play a positive role in Europe, we can’t do so without the engagement of the British public. There is a debate that is being conducted and right now Labour isn’t even in the chamber.