by Joe Anderson
In 48 hours’ time we will take the biggest decision about our country’s future since we declared war on Nazi Germany in 1939.
Forget 1975. Back then the choice of staying in the (then) European Economic Community was a no-brainer, given we had barely been a member for three years.
This referendum on whether we stay in the EU or not is much more important and the impacts will be felt much more broadly.
We’re not declaring war on a country, but we are in danger of declaring war on the future.
If we decide to leave the European Union after 41 years as a key member, then we need to be prepared for what comes next.
It’s a grim future of neo-liberal economics, where we are buffeted about by global powers far larger and more powerful than us.
For Labour people, it means something else too. It will mean that the right wing of the Tory party has succeeded at last in its bid to get us out of Europe.
Margaret Thatcher will be jumping for joy from the afterlife at the prospect of Brexit.
Rights that have been hard-won will be easily lost. Social and environmental directives will be repealed, leaving workers, consumers and the environment at the hands of unbridled market forces.
Does anyone really think a Tory government will lift a finger to protect the working time directive when the deadbeat employers who want to sweat their workforces get into Number Ten and lobby Prime Minister Boris?
Of course they won’t.
What they call red tape, we call basic rights.