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Christ Eric… Hope you know a cheap lawyer or two, as I’m not paying for you to cover that one up.
Gideon; “What’s all this about you blocking Freedom of Information requests Eric?”
William; “You’ve done it this time, it makes us look like hypocrites Eric”
Eric “Uh, are you going to eat that?”
Gideon; “It’s a phone Eric!”
(long pause)
Eric “But are you going to eat it?”
Gideon; grunt
(long pause)
Eric “Can I eat it then?”
Want to f*ck the poor? There’s an app for that.
Eric, we’ve been sat in this hall so long the Ginsters share price has dropped.
Eric… are you sure that’s the Brentwood Women’s Institute?!*?
“is that theresa?”
Gideon: “Seriosly Eric watch, this is when me and the Haguemeister-General happy-slapped Cleggy”
Hague: “He cried, it was bloody hillarious”
Pickles: “Anyone got a werthers?”
‘Nick, youre in charge while I sort out Cherac and Angella’s EU money increase’
‘Yes Dave. Oh can you bring me some Duty free B+H?’
‘Yes Nick, but for god’s sake erase this we dont want A C getting a transcriptor we will be in another Pickle’