Letter from acting deputy commissioner John Yates sent to the director of public prosecution Keir Starmer on Friday 14 January 2011.
I am grateful for the opportunity we had today to discuss the above matter.
We are both aware that there remain outstanding public, legal and political concerns. This is particularly so in relation to the various and recently reported high profile civil cases, as well as the inquiry to be undertaken by the Parliamentary Standards & Privileges Committee.
As a result, I consider it would be wise to invite you to further re-examine all the material collected in this matter. This would also enable you to advise me and assure yourself as to whether there is any existing material which could now form evidence in any future criminal prosecution relating to phone hacking.
The conclusions should be provided to you in the first instance for you to then advise me as to what, if any, further action may be required. We both understand that any future action will always be for the police to consider independently.
John Yates
Acting Deputy Commissioner
Tags: hacking, John Yates, Keir Starmer