Labour is being consumed by Corbynista, ultra-left micro-sects

by Nick Small

On Saturday I met Green party Leader Natalie Bennett at Liverpool Pride.  She was with the party’s parliamentary candidate for Liverpool Riverside.  Also with them was one of their local election candidates, who’s recently registered as a Labour Party supporter.  I said to her that I’d assumed she’d left the Green party, as I’d seen her name as a registered Labour supporter.  She replied, in front of Natalie Bennett, that she was still a Green Party member and supporter but had registered as a Labour supporter just to vote for Jeremy Corbyn.

“I was a Labour voter for 30 years,” she said, “and I support Labour’s values.”

“But what about the bit about not being a supporter of any organisation opposed to the Labour Party?”, I asked.

“Erm…”, was the response.

“Natalie, ” I said, “Is this allowed under Green party rules?  Surely if you sign up to this, you’d be ineligible to stay a Green party member?”

Natalie replied in that familiar, refreshing manner I’d got to know so well from the televised debates, “It’s not something we’d recommend, but if someone wants to perjure themselves…”

On Saturday evening Jeremy Corbyn held a rally in Liverpool.  It was chaired by a man called Alec McFadden, ex-IMG, ex-Socialist Action, ex-No2EU, who’s stood against many a Labour candidate over the years.  McFadden announced to the rally that he’s applied to be a registered supporter.  Another prominent speaker at the rally was Tony Mulhearn, one of the 47 surcharged Liverpool councillors, expelled from the party 30 years ago, who’s now a leading light of TUSC.  He’s holding off rejoining, until Jeremy wins.

Why is any of this relevant?

The Corbyn campaign has energised many, especially young people, who’ve never been involved in politics before.  And it has.  And that’s a good thing.  If one of the other three leadership candidates wins, one of the most important things on their to-do list should be how to keep our new members engaged and use their passion and enthusiasm.

But Corbyn’s campaign is, I believe, part of something bigger, something quite dishonest.  Here at Liverpool Labour, we know a thing or two about entryism.  And that’s what this is, not the deep entryism of Militant in the 1970s and 1980s, but, in Trotskyite theory, open entryism.

Former Militant MP Dave Nellist calls this repopulating the left.  That’s breaking the Labour party and replacing it with a new party of the Corbynistas, the ultra-left micro sects, Greens and whoever.  After yesterday’s rally an anonymous Liverpool Labour councillor was quoted as saying about their own party, “They have reaped what they have sown.”. They, not we.  This speaks volumes about some from within the Party backing Corbyn’s campaign.  They may be in the Labour Party, but they’re not of the Labour Party.

This isn’t Corbyn’s campaign being hijacked by others.  Jeremy Corbyn has been around for years.  He knows who all these people are.  He knows what their groups stand for.  He knows – he must know – that they stand in opposition to the Labour party.  Yet, it seems, he actively welcomes and embraces these people and groups and the organisational strength they bring.

Corbyn’s campaign isn’t just about scrapping Trident and renationalising the railways.  I wish it was.   It’s a project to bring about the end of the Labour party as a force that, through elections, wins power locally and nationally to change the lives and life chances of ordinary working people for the better.  That should worry us all.

Nick Small is a Liverpool City Councillor

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30 Responses to “Labour is being consumed by Corbynista, ultra-left micro-sects”

  1. Blair says:

    Corbynista, ultra-left micro-sects

    Notwithstanding that the average Labour voter won’t even undertsand that and think it is the utterings of a tool, it’s actually contradictory, shocking grammar and wrong.

    Quite how you get to be a councillor when you can’t even speak English is somewhat mystifying.

    If you want to beat him, sell your ideas better than he does, be more humble than he is, be more in touch with grass roots activists than he is and re[present what the core want – it’s not that difficult. The reason this is happening is because your message is wrong, wrong, wrong.

    And as for hijacking, what exactly do you think Blair, Mandelson et al did to the Labour Party.

    You’ve now reached the point that even if two of Corbyn’s opponents withdrew, the remaining candidate still may not beat him – and there’s a very very simple reason for that. You aren’t wanted.

  2. anosrep says:

    You seem to be confusing “entryism” with democracy.

  3. Tafia says:

    As most non-hysterics know, Corbyn is not far-Left. He is actually soft Left.

    It’s interesting to see that one of the finest politicians over the last 30+ years – Ken Clarke, believes he can actually end up as Prime Minister.

    It is also becoming laughably apparent that New Labour haven’t learnt a thing following their deserved crushing in Scotland. What did they do there? Continually scare-monger and belittle the opposition. What happened? They were pissed on. What are they doing know? Scare-mongering and belittling. What’s happening? Corbyn is getting stronger and stronger.

    (Little clue for the New Labourites – you can line up as many newspapers as you want at national and regional level and you can line up as many tv presenters and programmes as you want – it isn’t going to make any difference. Just like Scotland, the battle will not be won or lost in newspapers and on TV – those days are finished. You need genuine people with a very short and simple message that even the stupidest person can understand without having to ask.

    PS – Corbyn is walking Wales. It’s causing major arguments in the CLPs between the MPs and hierarchy on one side and the Assembly members, councillors and ordinary members on the other. Literally daggers drawn.)

  4. John P Reid says:

    entry ism would imply using underhanded rules to gain influence to oust others in attempt to impose your will on others, although signing up not really committed members to use the entry money to buy votes is possible, I inow people who’s kids/partners aren really interested but get their family to join, and pay their entry fee, to show loyalty or get their votes when there’s an internal election, I know Unite paid people’s entry fees in target areas, but does it matter who pays

    The ousting of other by using votes, doesn’t mean one is ousted from the party,

    There’s been various anti Corbyn articles I accept many new members gave joied a burnt out party are getting places as chairs, on ECs or the LCF to influence because the right is burnt out, and yes Corbyn would out us out of power for 25 years, we need to tell them we u deist and you’d like us to be more left wing ,you may think losing is moral, but if we keep losing and throwing money died the drain I internal battles, canvassing when no ones listening then it could destroy the party, and not existing due to having a view it’s better to lose in a far left manifesto, is worse as it’ll lead to the parties destruction

    People forget those days 30 years ago the end next month,hen the Labour Party was days away from destroying itself.

  5. Tracey Hylton says:

    To clarify with you again Nick. Tony Mulhearn was not a “speaker” at the event. After everyone has spoken the floor was open for questions,initially from people putting their hand up,and then by queuing.Questions were taken 6 at a time,and then aswered by all the panel.Mr Mulhearn was one of the people asking the questions,he too took his turn like everyone else, who were also given the mic and were at front of room,below the stage or at front of queue facing the panel,whichever they chose., He got no preferential treatment,and was not a speaker.He was acknowledged by the Chair,because after all these years they do know each other,and people of a certain age obviously also know he is.There was also a lot of young people who what not even born when Mr Mulhearn was in his heyday there,who would not have a clue or probably interest in who he is.There was 1.1k+ people there,and to my knowledge most of them are certainly not from “Ultra-left sects”,many of them are “entryists” into politics for the first time, inspired by Corbyn’s Campaign. As for Mr McFadden declaring he has singed up as a supporter,as I understand this is being scrutinised,as indeed it was too successfully identify the green Member I would imagine when found it wouldbe scrutinised as to whether he is ableto do so.In addition if Mr Mulhearn ever does decide to rejoin the Labour rejoin the Labour Party scrutiny will being this to attention and consideration.I do wish that those who support other candidates would fight for “their” platform and champion their offer.People are there to be won over with a campaign and programme that can connect with them, you have got to be in it to win it,and time spent lambasting another campaign is time lost in winning a campaign,and van have negative repercussions,putting people off.I think we ca,or should all agree that the public,supporters and members are capable of making their own decisions,and are clearly not so”naive” if actually engaging with politics,and should be treat with respect by all candidates and supporters. They need to be won over,not talked over. Get campaigning with vigour,and get their message out,it is not over until the Curvy Diva stops singing. Whoever wins unity is key,without it whoever wins we are all losers.One Love.x

  6. Tracey Hylton says:

    Also a further clarification.When Mr McFadden declared he had signed up to be a Labour supporter Jeremy Corbyn was not even in the building,never mind the room. It is also somewhat patronising to label the campaign of someone who has been an MP since 1983 as the “Corbynsta Project”. It demeans people,those referred to and the referrers.I shall resist the temptation to come up with equally demeaning names for the Burnham,Cooper and Kendall campagins.x

  7. madgefairy says:

    As someone who was present during Nick Small’s hysterical ranting at Natalie Bennett and friends last Saturday, I can say quite categorically that it was Nick Small, with spit dribbling down his chin, and a mad gleam in his eye, (this is not literary licence. It’s true) who introduced the word ‘perjury’ into the conversation (and since nobody can perjure themselves without swearing an oath, that was nonsense) He clearly thinks that he can carry off David Cameron’s trick of repeating a lie over and over and thinking that people will ultimately accept it as truth through sheer exhaustion.

    And Nick does like to throw a lie or two around at the Greens, doesn’t he? I seem to have heard something about a letter he put out in St Michael’s ward in the run up to the last election, intended to lose the Green Party votes. Many voters were so disgusted by his slimy tactics that it increased the Green vote, so I suppose he’s, inadvertently, not all bad.

    And finally, the Green Party does not have a candidate for Liverpool Riverside since there isn’t a general election due until 2020. Most councillors would have noticed this but I suppose Nick’s been so busy looking through dustbins for scandal that he missed the results. This small-minded stupidity is no substitute for decent politics and the Labour Party would do well to ditch the likes of NS if it wants to survive to even fight another election.

  8. Nick,

    Whether you’ll have a point will depend on who wins and by what margin of victory. If it’s anyone but Jeremy Corbyn then I’m sure you won’t have a problem accepting the result -whatever the margin.

    But what if its Jeremy Corbyn by a large margin? That will mean that the ultra left and the mischievous Tories won’t have affected anything. Would you accept that?

    The real problem will arise if it’s Jeremy by a small margin and analysis of his vote shows that non-Labour supporters have made enough of a difference to affect the result. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen but we’ll have to wait and see.

  9. Matt Moore says:

    Tafia: “Literally daggers drawn”. I hope everyone is OK. I’m surprised that wasn’t on the news.

  10. Richard MacKinnon says:

    Natalie, ” I said, “Is this allowed under Green party rules? Surely if you sign up to this, you’d be ineligible to stay a Green party member?” That seems to me to be an odd question to ask. If Nick Small is concerned about the eligibility of those registering to vote in the Labour leadership contest should the first question and only relevant question not be ‘is it legitimate under Labour Party rules for members of other parties to vote’? If the answer is ‘yes’ then what is Nick Small’s problem?
    What does he expect members of other parties to do when offered the chance to vote for the leader of a principle opposition party? It’s of equal importance to the Green’s, SNP, UKIP and Tories that they get the General they want to lead their enemy into the field as it is for Labour.

  11. james says:

    As a Lib Dem this is getting quite exciting.

    Keep on comrades 😉

  12. Will Douglas-Mann says:

    There has been much discussion on Green Party websites about Corbyn, some have wanted to pay the £3 and vote but the general consensus has been that we shouldn’t interfere in the internal workings of another party.
    There is some anxiety that a Corbyn led party would take support (and some members) from the Greens and some speculation about future cooperation ( out side Parliament presumably as our one MP is unlikely to swng the balance of power).
    There is little to disagree with in Corbyns program. The main worry is what is not there. No statement on Climate Change! How close is Jeremy to his Brother? Jeremy Corbyn is Obviusly not a Green but is he hostile or just indifferent to Green ideas.

  13. Richard MacKinnon says:

    Hear no evil. Learn FA.

  14. John Traynor says:

    Nick Small’s pathetic rant is yet another clear demonstration of why the Labour Party has steadily become a useless Tory-aping waste of space. Small is a soulless little careerist. Hopefully, Corbyn’s success will lead to the withering of the Labour Party and a new effective socialist alternative can take its place.

  15. Steve Robson says:

    Thanks for the clarification Tracey. It’s interesting to hear another view about speakers at the event etc.

    I particularly agree with your point about people fighting their own campaign instead of spending their time and energy criticising others.

    I’m not an entryist, a Troskyite, a Militant, ‘hard left’ etc. ad infinitum … I’m a socialist, a member and lifelong supporter of the Labour Party and I’m inspired for the first time in years by the energy and enthusiasm around the Corbyn campaign.

    I wish some of those supporting other candidates would spend their time articulating the ideas and potential policies as clearly and then we can have a genuine, enlightening and interesting debate.

    As you say unity is key here!

  16. Mike says:

    I see some of the hard left are commenting. It is dishonest when Green party candidates and members sign up for the express goal of having Corbyn as leader. If Corbyn has disagreed so much for so long with party policy (as witnessed by his >500 rebellions) then why didn`t he leave the party. The Labour party ios a party of the centre-left not the left or hard left. If you don`t like that then go to TUSC or the gReens.

  17. Tafia says:

    Mike, . It is dishonest when Green party candidates and members sign up for the express goal of having Corbyn as leader.

    So long as the votes are cast within the rules (as opposed to the aspirations) then it’s not dishonest – it’s 100% above board. If it can be done, it will be done. If you don’t want it doing don’t deliberately create the opportunity for it to happen.

    It’s a bit pathetic for Labour to be moaning about the rules when they made them.

    What did they think would happen?

    Personally, the whole £3 thing is farcical and smacks of nothing other then raising money.

  18. Madasafish says:

    The Labour Party have an open election. Anyone can vote,

    So it’s hardly dishonest if Tories, Greens or UKIP members vote: that’s what the rules allow..

    You may think that whomever invented those rules was being naive, stupid or an utter idiot but the Labour Party agreed to them so it’s the party’s own fault if others vote.

    It is impossible to abuse the system by voting. That is what it was designed for..

    The fact that the LP may not like the answer is the LP’s fault for being so dumb. Imagine what would happen if they had to run the country and not an election for Leader… 🙂

  19. Landless Peasant says:

    If Corbyn becomes leader I will return to voting Labour again. Osbornehas just handed 1 Billion £s of our money to The City. There can be no compromise when faced with such an enemy as the Tory scum. Sooner Corbyn is leader., then PM the better.

  20. Bob says:

    Nick Small, fully paid up member of the ‘I love Liz’ campaign, one of the hundred plus councillors who are backing her. Really does not like a lot of people does he !! true or false?

    Friend of comrade Joe and one of his sycophants, won his seat with a turnout of 13.86% of the eligible electorate and Labour complain about electoral mandate, same FTFP situation. In hoc to both Louise Elleman and the parachutist Luciana Berger.

  21. Surely it was the New Labour wing of the party who invented the £3 supporters vote. It gets interesting when you wonder why they did it. It must have been because they didn’t trust the membership to fall into line. Quite rightly it turns out if the CLP nominations are anything to go by.

    Here’s an idea for Progress. Why not run the next leadership contest as a reality TV show. We could put the contestants in the jungle or something where we can watch them eating bugs and making themselves look foolish like Galloway did. May even raise funds for the party.

  22. Thanks Steve. Hopefully the Unity issue will start to happen. I think it is true to say across the Labour Spectrum we all want a Labour Government, though our visions of it may differ.I must say though enjoying seeing lots of young people engaging in politics again.People who were not even born in the 80’s! It is the 21st Century,a time to review for the times we are living in before they spiral all the way back to Pre Labour days -no more Food Banks,etc! One Love. x

  23. Richard says:

    Even if every ex Labour Party member who was a Trot and active back in the day were to rejoin I am confident that the numbers would not come close to the various estimates I have seen for people joining as full, £3 affiliates or trade union affiliates, so let’s not overstate the impact of this potential ‘problem’.
    Secondly, most of those who were active in the sects or as entrists clearly drifted away from those organisations else they would currently be larger than they are. If those ex activists are being inspired by what is happening in the Labour Party right now to rejoin the LP then what is the problem with that? They are no longer active in the Militant or other sects opposed to the LP and its aims or values, and as an entrist group the Militant do not exist within the Labour Party in any case, Blair made that largely pointless as active and militant workers were thin on the ground there. So, at this juncture at least, they are simple LP members and affiliates, just like any other member, whatever their past.
    Finally, the most vociferous anti Corbyn supporters and those who spent their time chasing Militant members from the LP were involved in Progress, who are more organised and better financed as an organisation, with members, conference etc. than Militant ever were. What is more, Progress are also arguably opposed to the ability for organised Labour to defend itself, let alone fight, and you cannot be much more against the values of the Labour Party than that. Yet no right wing LP member screams about entrism there.
    Fact of the matter is the purges were never about entrist members, they were influential at times, but small. It was about the echo they gained, it was about routing them and routing the left and not for electability as is constantly claimed, but plain and simple class war from the class warriors in Progress, the SDP, Lord Sainsbury financed on both occasions, fighting for the interests of the ruling class.
    For my money I say thank you Corbyn. Thank you for bringing the soul back to the Labour Party. Thank you for bringing ordinary people back into the party and inspiring them to fight this austerity. Thank you for making the Labour Party a place where the many shades of left can come home to debate the future they want and to fight for it.

  24. Madasafish says:

    So Richard, do you support Militant?

    They did a great job in the 1970-80s in helping Mrs Thatcher gain and hold on to power..

  25. RichardMacKinnon says:

    Mike says its dishonest for Green supporters to have a vote for the next Labour leader. Why? Its allowed by the Labour Party. Please explain? I’m an SNP member and of course I’m going to vote. Its important for Scotland and the SNP that Corbyn, wins. We will have a natural ally in JC. He is the only Labour MP I know that has said Tony Blair should stand trial for war crimes. For that alone he deserves to win.
    So come on Mike explain your accusation of dishonesty.

  26. Richard says:

    Madasafish. Militant split and ceased to exist in the same form many years ago, so supporting them is impossible and I cannot in any way be considered a supporter or active of either of the groupings that formed from the split.
    Having said that, why not address the points I made rather than completely ignoring them and taking the discussion away from the issues. These are dictated by the opinions at the top of this page and the way this works is that we then discuss them.
    If you can’t contain yourself and have to go off topic then let’s fight today’s battles; the nature of the Labour Party today; the organisations that are influencing policy today; and where the party is going today, hopefully under Corbyn’s leadership.
    If you are still unsatisfied with that, write a piece about where Militant did or didn’t get the Labour Party in the 70’s and 80’s and you might be lucky enough to have two readers as nobody cares, especially me.

  27. paul barker says:

    Nick Small is confusing membership with being a “supporter” the criteria for which seems to be agreeing with Labour “values”. I can see how a members of The Greens could honestly identify with Labour values, so could a Libdem, a Communist or even a member of UKIP. Theres such a wide range of opinion even among Labour MPs that almost anything could be a Labour value. Judging from the comments on here & Labour List utter contempt for other Labour values/members doesnt rule you out, sometimes Labourites seem to hate each other even more than they hate The Libdems.

  28. John P Reid says:

    So progress and lord Sainsbury come around when labour are in opposition, then labour win, yet Trots help that her win, who you feel was part of the ruling class

  29. John P Reid says:

    Landless peasant, Corbyn prime minister there’s more chance Keir Hardie becoming PM

  30. Mike Homfray says:

    Hysterical nonsense from a poor loser . Given that his preferred candidate managed about 40 at her own public meeting you’d think he would be more concerned at the total lack of interest for the Blairite trailblazers in our heartlands

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