What are the leadership contenders like? Can we trust them? Would they make good friends? Would they make good leaders?
These are basic questions to which it would be nice to know the answers. A 30 minute interview between each candidate and each party member would be nice.
But not really practical. There are, however, very many Labour members and supporters who, over the years, have had dealings with the leadership contenders.
Did Ed Miliband come to your GC? Did you once play football with Ed Balls? Was David Miliband the comedy brainy kid at your inner London comprehensive? Do you remember Diane Abbott from Cambridge? Did you do A levels at night school in Burnley with John McDonnell?
You did? Good. This is the place to tell your story. Post your experience below and help the rest of us decide – based on what the candidates are really like in real life – who to vote for.
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