Subject: Re: Message to CLP members
Dear Friend
The judgement today is devastating news for Labour in Oldham – despite winning the appeal for jurisdication, overturning the Saddleworth Election hearing ruling on the law and winning our costs, the judges in the High Court were not able to overturn the decision on the alleged staterment of facts. They did, today, make it very clear that our side strongly contested the election Court judges interpretation of our leaflets but said they could not intervene.
I decided this afternoon that an appeal to the higher Court would not suceed as it, too, would only be able to look at the points of law and not examine the content of the leaflets.
We have to live with that and move on.
That means we have to win the By-election for Labour.
Whatever you think of the Court’s decision, the handling of it by the Party or my conduct, what is important is not my personal circumstance but the life chances of the people of Oldham. The Coalition are wreeking havoc and we have the opportunity to send a powerful message of opposition. PLEASE do all you can now to help Labour win again.
The campaign office is at 132 Grange Avenue, OL8 4EQ. It is open tomorrow and Sunday from 10am till 6pm. The Party staff are doing a great job but they can’t do it on their own. I am humbled by the fact that many supporters have refused to join the campaign until my case had been finished. But if you want to wipe the smile off the Liberals’ faces, please now join in.
In 1995 we changed British political history: let’s do it again.
Yours sincerely
Phil Woolas