Monday News Review

Trainee pilots to be dumped

The MoD said last year’s strategic defence and security review (SDSR) had already outlined cost-cutting measures in the forces. A spokesman said: “The SDSR has already made clear there will be a reduction in the number of assets and airframes across all three services, and that the RAF would be reduced by around 5,000 personnel to a total of about 33,000 by 2015. ”However, any reductions in the RAF will not affect operations in Afghanistan and priority areas of capability will not be compromised.” The Telegraph said head of training Air Vice Marshal Mark Green would visit each of the RAF’s three flying schools to pass on the news. Up to 20 fast jet pilots, 30 helicopter pilots and 50 transport aircraft pilots are said to face the axe. Meanwhile, the Times has reported that the cost of scrapping military equipment as a result of the SDSR was £12bn. –BBC

Hardly a week goes by without fresh evidence that the Strategic Defence and Security Review announced last year was rushed and poorly thought through. From the premature retirement of the Harrier jump jets, whose flexibility will be sorely missed, to the near-vandalism of scrapping the new generation of Nimrod reconnaissance planes before they had even flown a single mission, the consequences have been both perverse and potentially calamitous to the nation’s security. Today, our defence correspondent reports that a quarter of RAF trainee pilots are to be cut in a cull costing the taxpayer hundreds of millions of pounds that will leave the service short of fliers. Many of the trainees who are to be told they are surplus to requirements are close to completing their courses. – the Telegraph

Job losses to rise

Redundancies are set to rise sharply in the next few months as public sector cuts bite, a survey has suggested. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development study found redundancy intentions with employers were at their highest level since it began in 2004. Four out of 10 organisations planned redundancies in the first quarter of this year, the survey discovered. These included one-third of NHS employers, half of central government and three-quarters in local government. The organisations affected typically proposed to cut around one in 10 employees, increasing to one in eight in the public sector.

Poll shows AV support increase

Campaigners demanding a change in the voting system for Westminster elections have secured a 10-point lead over opponents, as peers are threatened with losing their holiday if they derail the referendum planned for 5 May. An exclusive poll for The Independent on Sunday reveals 40 per cent of people surveyed now back a switch to the alternative vote (AV), while 30 per cent want to keep first-past-the-post (FPTP). The four-point increase in support for the yes campaign since January comes direct from those who last month responded “don’t know”, suggesting that as the campaigns step up a gear public support for reform is hardening.

Cameron relaunch of Big Society

David Cameron will today relaunch the Big Society as his “mission in politics” in a speech to social entrepreneurs in London. The move comes after several notable figures in the charity and volunteering sectors have criticised the initiative in light of sweeping budget cuts. Liverpool City Council have pulled out of Big Society projects altogether. “Let’s make one thing absolutely clear – I’m not going to back down from what I believe in just because of a few bad headlines”, Mr Cameron is expected to say. To bolster the Big Society, he will unveil a Big Society bank, with £200m to provide capital to support successful applicants to the scheme, and a £100m transition fund will be made available for charities and social enterprises bidding for public services. – PoliticsHome

3 Responses to “Monday News Review”

  1. Robert says:

    With new laws on retirement the old fogies can keep flying until they into their eighties. ha ha ha ha ha

  2. Tacitus says:

    No great surprises that unemployment is likely to rise. What is surprising is that it is staying at such a gradual increase. Unfortunately, this is liable to change in the near future as cuts bite hard into public services and redundant staff find jobs just don’t exist.

    The political hot air coming from Downing Street and DWP is failing to satisfy a rapidly moving cynical electorate. Regrettably though, Labour is also failing to tak up this slacka nd convince the public we could do better. There is a pressing need for Ed, Ed and Douglas to convince people we are capable of protecting jobs whilst reducing the deficit.

  3. Robert says:

    The problem is of course could labour do better, looking and listening to Ed Miliband in the Welsh Assembly I do not think we have much hope of a Labour socialist party making it back in my life time.

    Telling the disabled and the sick well you know if you can work you should work , with a medical which says if you can move an item on a table with your stump or any part of your body proves your able to work, and thats not made up thats fact.

    Telling a person with no legs that having a wheelchair is just as good as having legs because labour has made access issues go away, I cannot even get in and out of my own home never mind get about.

    The fact is Labour or the Progressive party has just become a second rate Thatcherite party.

    And now the MOD tells soldiers in a war zone your sacked by email pretty good life for thiose at the shit hole of life.

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