Half a minute Harris

Episode 8: Fingers crossed tomorrow’s AV result keeps it out of the next manifesto

You can catch up with previous episodes here:

Episode 1: Welcome, Uncut readers, to the mind of Tom Harris

Episode 2: Should we abstain on the welfare reform bill?

Episode 3: How’s that working out for you Polly?

Episode 4: Student visas… I’m with Theresa May on this one

Episode 5: A distraction from the main event

Episode 6: Ollie Letwin and the common people

Episode 7: Why I’m backing an in/out referendum on the EU

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2 Responses to “Half a minute Harris”

  1. iain ker says:

    Shame you’ve wasted so much of your time on this pointless exercise in political vanity.

    Style guide : no tie (cf David Cameron/ Call Me Steve Hilton) looks far better than a hastily put-on-for-the-video footballer’s knot.

    Health guide : Lose three stone.

    Thank me later.

  2. iain ker says:

    Meh – make it four stone.

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