In case you’ve missed them, here are a selection of some of the best read, best written and most interesting posts on Uncut in the 12 months since we launched:
Dan Hodges’ 2011 year in review
The shadow cabinet pen portraits
Autumn, a poem by Chris Bryant
The Labour Uncut crowdsourcing hotseat: the leadership interviews
Tom Watson says a snap election would give Cameron the glory he craves
Peter Watt’s personal account of being hung out to dry
Cry baby Chris Kelly hits back with peace-loving-fighting-talk
Siôn Simon’s conference sketch
Down the pub with the Labour leadership contenders
Tom Harris’ post mortem of the Scottish elections
Sally Bercow speaks for disabled people
Atul Hatwal on the conspiracy of silence on immigration
Uncut exclusive: Klösters catastrophe as Osborne loses luggage
India Knight on the politicians of the twittersphere
Kevin Meagher on Tony Crossland’s challenge to Ed Miliband
Paul Corby’s obituary of Jimmy Reid
We break the Johnson resignation, and Balls’ promotion
Jessica Asato’s lessons from Tower Hamlets
Uncut’s conference diary, parts III and IV
Michael Dugher says AV’s a waste of time
John Woockcock loves New Labour
An early look at the Labour leadership campaigns
To everyone who has written, read, linked and commented on Uncut in the last year, thank you.
Tags: A year Uncut, the year uncut
Wot no “David Miliband Has Already Won”?
Surely some mistake!
…I don’t pick ’em.
But it would have been my choice.
Actually, Cat Woman would have been my real choice…