“Man’s inhumanity to man and genocide is what makes me cry, not prime ministers” – Chris Kelly MP, in all seriousness.
Uncut’s favourite Tory backbencher, the publicity hungry Chris Kelly jnr, was in the news again at the weekend. This time it was the Mail on Sunday’s turn to find a Kelly gem, reporting that the gaffe prone MP had cried his eyes out after receiving the hair dryer treatment from the PM.
Young Kelly jnr was said to be more terrified of his anti EU sugar daddy than of the Tory whips – deciding to side with his dad over the PM on a crucial vote on the EU bill. The Mail reported:
“A Tory Euro rebel MP was reportedly reduced to tears after being caught in the crossfire between his millionaire father and a furious David Cameron over a vote to stop Brussels gaining more power over
Britain… amid reports that he was more terrified of upsetting his father, Tory donor Chris Kelly senior – a leading Thatcherite with robust views on Brussels – than his party leader. Mr Kelly junior was paid about £4,000 a month last year for eight hours of work for his father’s truck dealership. It tops up his MP’s pay of £65,000 and helped him acquire a £30,000 BMW coupe, with his initials CDK on the number plate.”
But young Kelly Jnr hit back with a totally bizarre attempt at bravado in his local paper the Dudley News yesterday. Torn between trying to beef up his hard man image while still demonstrating his sensitive side, he said:
“Man’s inhumanity to man and genocide is what makes me cry, not prime ministers”.
Wow. Say wow. What a line. The Fonz would be proud of that one. It sounds more like it came straight out of the ‘gap yah’ seduction book than the mouth of a wannabe “serious politician”. One thing is for sure, Kelly isn’t using his extra income to fund a press officer.
Thankfully, Patrick Harley, the old pro spokesman for (Tory) Dudley council, was on hand to help clear up the cry baby confusion, saying:
“It’s absolutely not true that he was in tears. Even if he was, which he wasn’t, he still would vote for what he thought was right”.
Thanks Patrick. Crystal.
Tags: chris kelly, cry baby
Boy another bloke along the line of Tony Blair, we seem to be having a lot of these types of politicians around they cry when a soldier gets killed but hell we still send them, we cry because daddy tells us to vote this way or that.
No bloody wonder this country is in a mess.