Labour’s core demographics are dissolving before our eyes

by Rob Marchant

While the election is still, like 2017, messy in terms of the multi-party split and further complicated by Brexit, the issues at stake are at least simple. For a start, no-one is remotely pretending that this election is about overall policy of the two parties.

No, it is about two things: a. Brexit and b. who is felt to be the least unsuitable leader, given the direness of both the main ones There is really nothing else. Hence, the ridiculous, magic-money-tree manifestos of the two main parties, which will be even more roundly ignored than usual.

So, what’s new about this election?

The first thing we might observe is the virtual collapse of Labour’s Leave vote.

Some Labour MPs may well be sincere believers that Brexit will be good for the country, or that they are morally obliged to implement it because of a (supposedly “non-binding”) referendum. There are surely other MPs who campaign for it, simply because they fear they will lose their jobs.

But, in Leave areas, they will mostly lose them anyway.

Exhibit A: the analysis by former staffer Kevin Cunningham on Labour seats, which showed that the biggest drop in the country has been in Bassetlaw (John Mann, now resigned) and Don Valley (Caroline Flint, standing again, but under terrible pressure).

Whatever their motivations, Labour cannot compete with the Tories for the pro-Brexit vote – why would any Leaver vote for a party transparently trying to ride both horses at once, when they can have an unequivocally Brexit party in the Tories? Hence, the bailing from Parliament of Mann, De Piero and Hoey, the going independent of Field and the grave danger to Flint and others still standing for Labour.

But they are not the only group of core Labour voters being squeezed. The leaching comes from three groups in all:

  • Said Labour Leavers, especially in former industrial heartlands, who want full-fat Brexit and will now vote Tory or another Leave party;
  • People horrified by the racism encouraged by the leadership, and who will vote Tory or Lib Dem as a result;
  • Remainers who have realised the leadership is essentially pro-Brexit and will now vote Lib Dem or Green, perhaps even where that will let the Tories in.

We might also note that it is hardly worth talking about Labour in Scotland, where the vote is already at rock bottom, and whose mostly Remain voters have a strong, pro-Remain party to vote for. If they are pro-Indy2, they will vote SNP. If they are against, they will fear Corbyn will do a deal with Sturgeon to form a Westminster government, and so vote either Lib Dem or Tory. Finally, if they are Leavers, the same applies as in England and they will generally vote against Labour.

This leaves the only people left to vote Labour:

  • Dyed-in-the-wool Corbynites, of which there are really not so many outside the party itself), and
  • Remainer tactical voters in 15 or so Tory-Labour marginals, who are furthermore prepared to hold their noses on anti-Semitism – this is not a large group, either.

And, er, that’s it.

If Labour’s vote is in the end saved by anything, paradoxically, it will be people believing it can’t win. Conversely, the more voters believe that Corbyn could be prime minister, the more they will avoid Labour (luckily for Labour, a Corbyn majority government is possible only in fairyland).

It is a godforsaken election. But if there is one crumb of comfort for those wanting the party to survive, it is the strong probability of a Corbyn defenestration in the event that the election is lost.

At that point it will be the last-chance saloon: for Labour to choose a half-decent leader and recover, or not. Another Corbynite leader will almost certainly be the end – the untreated cancer of anti-Semitism alone will see to that.

Rob Marchant is an activist and former Labour party manager who blogs at The Centre Left

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19 Responses to “Labour’s core demographics are dissolving before our eyes”

  1. Alan Phillips says:

    You did miss one former Labour voters group, The working class, forsaken by the Labour Party who now choose to represent all immigrants instead. They have forgotten their roots, the reasons they were formed and whose money supported them. Many former Labour voters will never vote Labour again until the Party is rid of Corbyn and the far left policies, Momentum and the Puppet Master Len McCluskey. These people have destroyed the Labour Party, now is the time for the Labour electorate to destroy them.

  2. Alf says:

    I don’t think we could ever go back to just being Tory-lite. Look what happened to the funny TING-ers earlier this year!

    We can win this election. But if we don’t, one of the party’s socialists would become our new leader.

  3. John P Reid says:

    So 2 yesars ago I saw some Ed Miliband wing of he party walk away, still members, but not active
    and A year ago I saw some Labour brexiters walk a way.

    I had no idea that the Ed Miliband labour remainers who quit being active in late 2017 were actually gonna abstain next week

    the Labour brexiters who quite a year ago when labour decided on a second ref with remain on the ballot paper were obviously gonna abstain

    both groups had made their minds up a year ago.

    Did Mcdonnell really think he could keep the second group or wing back the first, it can’t all have been about not upsetting the Guardian

    as for Hoey quitting she’s quitting for a different reason that De Piero

    don’t agree with a lot here but the first 43 bullet points make sense

  4. JoHn P reid says:

    Alf, the 5 option for next leader are:-

    Emily Thornberry – talented but un appealing to the Pulbic and Len Mcklusey

    Jess Philips,- well she won’t win so the fact she’s all mouth and no talent, speaks for itself

    Keir Starmer,- maybe smart, but the epitome of everything wrong with the party

    Rebecca Long Bailey,-Very talented hard working, probably Mckluskeys choice but mucked up on her definition of why taking no deal of the table is good for negotiating to say we’re prepared to walk away as a threat

    Laura Pidcock,,- again good and passionate a bit too young at the moment

  5. JoHn P reid says:

    Alan Philips, I part agree but do you say that labour really feels it represents all migrants groups, does this include Jewish, let alone the fact you then suggest that Minority ethnic groups, aren’t working class
    I live in one of the most white areas of the Country and when we’ve had Labour brexiters speak of the 35 at the meeting(who agreed), yes 30 were white but that’s the demographics

    But I get the point
    Peaking where Shami Chakrabarti or Afua Hirsh as Privately educated From The Home counties are Defined as more worthy of victimhood to be listened too, than A working class person on A council estate.

    You’re right on labour ignoring the working class
    nothing demonstrates this more than the inner London Peoples vote lot who keep saying that the working class outside London will be won around that they’ll vote remain a second time

    but labour assume it speaks for minorities as have their views normally white people telling them this, telling African Caribbean working class trade union affiliated members who feel the David lammy view of a decade ago parents must have the right to smack their children and teachers must have the right to have discipline and control in the class room, that their view is wrong

    30 years ago the London Labour Councils were the parties telling the African Caribbean residents who were protesting against laobur running the council removed as they didn’t want positive discrimination.

    but does this mean, where like the Muslim Birmingham parents against their kids being taught they be transgender, are now telling he muslims they were wrong.

    These so called minority groups diecide they have any official recognition as away of having a representation within the party black and minority ethnic groups are then catergorised together, by all means have repsesentation ,but not as away of using it to say this is what the local labour parties view is and if someone tick the boxes they fit in that clique they then use it as a way of saying I’m part of to win favours when going for a post to be selected on a executive or on a council, or as a councillor.
    Are the only Areas that are target seats Leicester or inner London now as Jenna Davis who works for A labour MPs said that cliques tend to lead to white middle class people being selected by who they know As if joining it means that somehow someone has the best interest of that group.

    Paul Embery was accused of mainly Criticising Women labour MPS on twitter and was said ot have called A Labour Female A MP Metroplotian liberal elite, because she went to university of London was privately educated in The Islington inner bubble, they don’t understand why the local Working class members got upset at Emily Thornberry sneering at the St Georges flag flying from the White transit van, and say they’re offended by the returned anger at them.

    rightly in my opinion by Ken Livingstone ,for once) of seeing only White working class men get promoted by the political education of the union movement. they got to be representatives , would be seen now if labour gave up on positive discrimination but it’s not even the working class , that get represented by The labour party, and others claiming to be bigger victims even though,
    while accepting discrimination still exists, but the fact someone can claim they represent a community and then speak for the views of that community, which as mentioned earlier saw certain Black or muslims claiming they spoke for their community only to be heckled, and it’s also means that A community is defined by that group, men claiming to be women do not speak for Women who don’t recognise that No one asked the lesbian and gay community to have the word trans added, let alone the whole amount of other defined letters adding to that, and as For Black and Minority ethnic while accepting A black and Asian person would have more of an idea how each other’s communities would know about racism form White people, they do not know what others communites feel on special interests in their communities that see different types of racism take the fact Asian are less likely to be judged on A surname or less likely to get a prison sentence or A Chinese would be a lot less likely to be suspected of a domestic criminal incident or stop and searched than A white person

  6. Vern says:

    John Reid – when you say talented, smart, very talented and good for those 5 candidates – can I ask what is clouding your thinking for that? From a political view point which is what they are employed for they are wholly inept. Surely you see this too?

  7. John P Reid says:

    After years in opposition it’ s nothing more satisfying than to join A group of like minded souls where you can sit around agreeing you know better than everyone else ,sympathise with others that you’re the biggest victim and that you can ignore other wings of the party if you’ve got the finance to run your wing and it doesn’t matter if you don’t result in your preferred choice of MPs getting elected, as long as you’ve got your wing controlling the party, and can associate yourself with whom you feel is also like minded thinking
    ,then, the local Clique feels it can persuade others who disagree, that by not listening to them they’re wrong you’re right and that they’ll do what you say if you keep saying it as you’ve convinced yourself you’re smarter and Because your wing agrees with you ,you must be in the majority,  

    So it maybe radical but how about not giving any groups any official recognition as having a representation within the party, by all means if labour want to have A wing to help gay lesbian trans rights
    the labour friends of israel or the Christian Labour Party
    It means young labour wouldn’t be able to exist, but could have a affiliate same as labour for Ireland or ( while not saying there shouldn’t  be special interests groups to help specific groups) It occured to me disabled reps
     One other problem is cliques are constituency based, it’s no secret some neighbouring constituencies even though they run Councils together, can’t stand each other, as A clique or a wing runs it, It doesn’t help if one areas has A labour council, and one due To demographics has A conservative one, and they feel that the party is not listening to the Members of the conservative one, it can be the labour one if it’s outside London is the old school Macho trade union working class Brexit based and the one next door due to having been moribund, doesn’t have any ability to get councillors so is just left to Student identity politics where they satisfy themselves patting each other’s backs how Woke they are, and the two constituencies look at each other in disgust
    One way around this is not to have Local Parties constituency based but Borough based as such if a wing was abolished then there could be in It’s three constituencies in A area then It’s  possible to say have 8 young Labour reps on the executive committee 
    But then would there’s be a need for a women’s wing ,
    And then if that’s the case that say men Can be  honorary members of the women’s groups Or anyone can be a member of the Jewish group ,can anyone  turn up Of course  groups  like the fabians co- op they do have a women’s wing
    at heart including the Christian labour movement.

  8. John P Reid says:

    Dagenham and Next door Havering demographically are some of the Most Middle Age working Class (mainly white Socially Conservative, Brexit voters and this also reflects the make up of the Labour vote and Members, to the point Paul Embery and Maurice Glasman among others have come down too Talk about Blue Labour to rapturous Applause, and where Romford labour is more younger Mainly ex Liberal democrats who joined in the last 7 years they’re remainers

    but then as Dagenham and Harold Hill win Councillors and they don’t they feel that their position of supporting Corbyn is A moral one, this resulted in A young member going to one of their meetings hearing them Discuss the revolution and went off having Heard Theresa Mays Blue Labourish speech she gave outside Downing Street on her succession as leader as more to his a line of thinking
    Its an assumption that all the working class middle age members who attended the Speeches given by Blue labour were  all Brexiters and all  white Working class Married men in their 40’s-70’s ,there was at least 5 who weren’t’ Of the five black and minority ethnic ones 4 were women and one A muslim and Lesbian and and Black male was gay too, plus there are occasional Blue labour remainers

    Yet it’s the Midlde class liberal identity politics people in labour who disliked Blue Labour

  9. steve says:

    There’s only one word, Rob, superb. Let me spell it out in capitals: S.U.P.E.R.B.

    Your analysis is utterly, completely, entirely and unreservedly deserving of that word. Superb!!!

    Let’s begin the Kier Starmer For Leader campaign immediately!

    No worries if the hapless chap can hardly string a sentence together (there’s a job for a ‘communications consultant’ there – step forward Rob!).

    No worries that he knows nothing of life beyond the M25. Could you arrange Countryfile and Coronation Street box sets?

    But at least he has a Blairite quif and he’s a Remainer.

    Let’s get to work: Kier for leader! Kier for PM! Kier – the new Merkel!

    Forward, Rob, Forward!

  10. John p Reid says:

    I accept long bailey hasn’t got the common touch Angela Rayner has snd for es to of a better view if labour to win back the North assuming we lose it, appeal to white can man
    Then she hasn’t got the charisma but is very well briefed she can read the legislation and see what works and what doesn’t

    Ditto why Thornberry is talented

  11. Anon says:

    @John P Reid – you are just as much wrong-headed as Mr Marchant.

    Labour are now caught in a nowhere land with absolutely no chance of reconnecting with their old demographic.

    Here are a couple clues:

    John Reid, ex-Labour Cabinet Minister – “The Treasury insisted on having a free flow of labour because they thought that brought down the cost of labour,”

    Gordon Brown wanted a low wage economy built on population growth: a population growth that has destroyed the well-being of its traditional white, working class demographic.

    That’s accounted for the Blairites; now let’s look at the Corbynites.

    I live in Plymouth, and we have recently had an ex-SNP activist invited in to take a now-solid Labour ward (students)
    She now serves in a Plymouth ward – that I thought had survived the worst of Labour’s gerrymandering – and has a history of antisemitism.

    Why would a Labour member ask George Galloway this question:

    “Respect is an innovative alliance between Muslim and socialist forces. Why was it instituted and why was it successful, especially in Bethnal Green?”

    And that is one of her milder sentiments.

    What does that question suggest to you: what right does the Labour Party have to inflict this type of individual upon the wonderful city that I have grown up in?

    To me, Labour are now poison – it was once the most beautiful part of my life.

  12. John Reid says:

    Keir Starmer head of the PCS when he recommended police prosecute Colin Stagg for killing Rachel Nickel based on a under cover police woman approached him and said if you confess to killing Nickel I’ll have sex with you
    He still didn’t say it
    And they charged him with her murder

    Then it turned out to be someone else

    Mind you even when he was first cleared the Mail said he was guilty afterall
    Everyone praised the Mail for saying men cleared of killing Stephen Lawrence were guilty afterall , but no one pulls the Mail up they got away with that slander

  13. Tafia says:

    John Reid – Starmer was also the person that decided John Warboys should just face one specimen murder charge as opposed to multiple charges. The result of that decision was he qualified for parole last year and it took a media storm to stop it.

  14. Tafia says:

    Firstly, lets get something understood. We’ll assume that the Tories will win in a weeks time. Labour has not won an election since 2005. If Johnson gets his majority (which he deserves – at least he’s trying to honour the referendum as opposed to baltantly and transparently lying about it like Labour are), and if that majority is more than 5, you can forget another election until 2024.

    Lets look at what you have pitched since 2005 :-
    2010 – soft Blairite, Brown. Failed.
    2015 – centre-left – Miliband. Failed.
    2017 – left – Corbyn. Failed.
    2019 – left – Corbyn . Failed.

    Now, I fully support OMOV and the idea that the membership own the party, and that the CLP should decide who their candidates are and not have people parachuted in or party HQ tinkering with the selection lists.

    BUT where a leader is concerned, the membership and unions are fooling themselves in the extreme if they think they can have one that they want. That is pure unadulterated bollocks. They have to pick a leader that appeals to non-Labour voters otherwise they simply cannot win. And the leader should choose the Manifesto and not have it foisted on him/her by a committee and a conference. And until you accept that you aren’t going to win.

    Politics is now a consumer activity. The consumer (voter) shops around for the best deal for them and quite rightly so. No political party has a right to exist and none will be missed of they cease to exist and if you don’t market a product that consumers want, you’ll eventually go out of business. This is basic core stuff and you aren’t seemingly able to grasp it. The consumer (voter) is not going to move to you and nor should they and you are idiots of you think otherwise – and serial losers. The consumer (voter) is king, not narrow-visioned memberships or unions.

    You also are arrogant in the extreme. The voter is not wrong, at all, ever. You are. Lecturing, thinking you know best, refusing to do what voters say. Pure arrogance and the mark of losers with an upper-case L.

    You have turned your back on your core blue collar voters, especially in the midlands and north, and the result of that is that you have virtually ceased to exist in Scotland (in 2010, the SNP won 6 seats – this year we are talking about hoew many above 40 they will get and whether Labour will keep any seats at all), in Wales in the same period of time Labour’s %vote share has more than halved. This year we’re takling about whether Bolsover will flip tory, so much and so deep is the feeling of betrayal in the working class.

    In the meantime, you pander to the latte-swilling urban professionals, the mshrinking middle-class and openly scoff at what should be your core support over their very real concerns over immigration swamping their areas. And you then are that stupid you wonder why you aren’t wining. Utterly pathetic.

    When Corbyn loses next week who are you going to replace him with? You have no heavyweights. Where are your Wilsons, Callaghans, Blairs, Thatchers. Nowhere.

    You’ve ended up in a position where disasters like Starmer, Abbott, Thornberry and McDonnell are viewed as senior politicians. THEY ARE ARSE. Your up-coming second tier – Long-Bailey, Rayner, Lewis, Burgon etc etc are little better than county councillors.

    Take a step back for Gods sake and look at the reality – you are going to lose a General Election to Boris Johnson (and I am voting Tory to get Brexit done, me a Plaid member and former Labour member). Losing to Boris Johnson because people like me think he’s better than anything at all you’ve got to offer, and at least he’s trying to deliver the referendum result as opposed to blatantly and transparently lying about it like you are.

    Beaten by Cameron, beaten by May, beaten by Boris Johnson. That is how crap you are.

  15. John P Reid says:

    Anon, you assume that there’s only 2 wings Blairites and Corbynites
    While I accept that they’ve got the power to get their preferred choices into positions running the party,
    there’s whole constituencies where the local views that aren’t part of that.
    I know of them In Bristol, Kent, Stoke on trent, even Parts of south london and Obviously Essex

    Anon by the way I didn’t actually say that my preferred choice of Leaders/Deputy Long baliey and Rayner would actually win the 2024 election, although theres some great talent a few years younger, Pidcock, Lou Haigh and (Melanie Onn and Ruth Smeeth (whom I think unfortunately will lose their seats

    its’ whether after the defeat, If the party does what it should and not say we lost s it wasn’t metropolitan liberal enough and realises we’ve lost the working class outside London, amd not make thronberry leader

    but form Maurice glasman warning John Mcdonnell saying we agree with you on the socialism stuff, just not the freedom of movement and Identity politics stuff, and Mcdonnell saying to Maurice, but those views are the ones that kept Jez re elected as leader

    or Charles Clarke waring Blair about the freedom of movement ,and Blair Pooh Poohing it saying’ Ahh we’ve come to far to stop now, not realising the damage it had done., As blair was obsessed with his President of Europe project
    my point was

  16. Tafia says:

    Labour needs to brake the link between them and the unions. yes take donations from them so long as it is totally transparent, but do not allow them at party conferences, do not allow them to vote on anything, and should you ever take office, scrap the political levy. Either a union member can choose for their levy to go to any party that is registered, or it doesn’t hapen at all. And do not allowthemto buyan MP via sponsorshp and giving officee space and union members to canvas. In the old days the labour Party wasthepolitical wing ofthe unionmovement, but those days are gone now and need burying,

    But above all, the mebership has got to start grasping that the leader you pick and the policiesthat leader wants have to appeal to non-Labour voters oryou are never going to win. andthere are no runners-up prizes in politics and nor should there be.

    And they (the membership) aslo need to grow up. The President of the United States is leading the most powerful economic and military nation on earth. The world economny relies on the US consumer and the western world’s defence relies on american military muscle. And Israel has the right to exist, by force if needs be. It’s Real Politik

  17. john zims says:

    If Labour doesn’t move back to the centre with a moderate leader they will remain in opposition & possibly lose even more support to the Lib Dems.

    Those old enough will remember that under Wilson & Callaghan Socialism was tested to destruction with 97% marginal tax rate!

    It was again rejected under Michael Foot & now Corbyn is back with the same nonsense which repels centre / centre left voters. Not to mention that apart from North Korea it’s been binned around the globe.

  18. John P Reid says:


    Rushamara Ali, stood for the deputy leadership in2015 one of her proposals was that the Party should scrap all Affialites except, your union the Co-op and while not saying their shouldn’t be other groups like the Fabians they should’nt be affiliated, the same as Blue labour doesn’t have any formal organisation of membership, it’s just a name.

    One way around this is not to have Local Parties constituency based, but Borough based local parties and as such if a wing was abolished then there could be in It’s three constituencies in A area then It’s possible to say have 8 young Labour reps on the executive committee ,the way we had more than one rep-who was there to give their partiicipation time to youngsters issues on a local level, with all which group shtere can be a forum for communication but not officially a affiliate that then organsies to say that it can decide between themselves what local policy the party should have and use it’s power to say As a afflicate to a accepted catergory,it can recommend participants to say prefered choics based on cliques, of course they can then say they’ spoke to the forum to say what their recommended policy was and what motions they’ve forarded for national proposal
    But then would there be a need for a womens wing,Or young labour or disabled labour

    The public doesn’t want a party based on a tradition that has structures to show how it categorises how it cares and feels for people it’s no secret some neighbouring constituencies even though they run Councils together disagree was sometimes based on how many councillors they get ,
    With a disabled policy which would be divded into mental health and non abled bodies then recommending wheel chair access or facilites for wheel chair users toilets would be then a for front when halls are booked for meeitngs
    We’ve got to the stage where all women shortlists have served their purpose and could be called a day, We had men selected on all women shortlists

  19. John P Reiud says:

    Tafia again
    Ellie reeves in Lewisham, privately educated Univerity middle class liberal Graduates moved into working class areas and used their links , within the Labour Party to get selected for first positions in the local party, then as Candidates as they were nominated due to joining affiliates that had the Approval of like minded thinkers, be they labour Friends of trans, labour friends of Palestine or friends of Ireland and those cliques in the party became closed shops and said to the
    muslim community they were wrong to want to protest against their kids being taguht if the girl was a tomboy or the boy wanted to wear a dress they were transgender, and anyone within the Labour Party From Roger godsif in Birmingham to Kelly aka poise Parker or venice Allen on Lewisham were turfed out and a ban put in place against protesting

    labour not knowng what a woman is ,turned blind eye and break the rules on mean on AWS which clearly aren’t popular with the public

    Theresa mays 2017 speech on Becoming PM, mentioning the left behind and -the race disparity Audit .When groups like the cooperative or metro banks said they have a High BAME female members of staff in maangement it was then reveled they were all Asian women, none black and none muslim And to say the isssue of sikh and Hindus were the same as Muslim or Pakistan

    So when labour catergoiresed black includng Chinese or the phrase black &minority ethinic, it actually caused damage, ,not to say their aren’t similar negative sympathetic issue that affect, Anglo or South Asian ,Chinese and Black African Carribean communities or that based in working class lines that some issues the more middle class white members have aren’t shared,or that there’s a collective thinking of African Carribean political views, what even is the term BAME

    It actually has a negative affect as as Lewisham bieng a example ot actually has fewer working class both Asian and Black afro carribean candidates selcted for target areas, I appreciate that recently some very good female African Carribean candidates have been sleected in the target areas

    And when in the 80s & 90’s there was lesban &Gay ,now the letter T was added &4 those who went on lesbian and gay pride marches no one asked us about adding the letter T and what concerns that lesbians have has nothing to so with transgender or T plus &it’s the lebsian groups who have been surrfering alongside womens groups for this with this catergory, not to say there whouldn’t be a catergory for trans, to see with both them and a Tran plus community but it is not part of the lesbian And gay groups ,that labour needs to recognise as a sepecific category

    Where the the white middle class lewisham Labour Party in letting self identifying trans get all women shortlists doesn’t know what A woman is,
    The Clique who Runs lewisham Labour, hang around together as it gives them a sense of belonging if they’re surrounded by people they know are in the same affiliates, they say know whats’ best for the Working Class African Carribean community there, and tell that community the’yre wrong on things such as the community feel discipline on Schools and parents sohuld have a right to smack children, that’s not to say there’s a collective thinking of the woking class Afro carribean community there, or that there’s not Black African Carribean middle class people there with rests view on identity politcs or that there’s not White working class people who agreed with the black peoples side,but similar they were sidelined as
    When the black people Diasgreed, they were refered to as‘they’re the wrong sort of black’

    We’ve got to the stage where all women shortlists have served their purpose and could be called a day, We had men selected on all women shortlists

    So it maybe radical but how about not having any labour affialted orgaisnations it can be if there’s A local labour formed group outside London it puts on ithe internet that it has a policy that’s not been agree locally or by region,
    And then if that’s the case then say men Can be honorary members of the women’s groups but cant partiicapate if there was say a fundraiser for tryign to get literature to recommend protesting against a piece of legisation that would go agaisnt what was agreed was womens rights,

    SO while contraviersial If we had borough based parties that didn’t have speicific reps they could at the same time then saywe would like to catergorise for meeitngs if there’s a view on hleping Algo Asian, Indo east asain African ,carribean, and both working class, or womens rights or gay and lesbian and seperating trans mental health both able bodies and disabled, then via forums to talk, on policy motions and support, plus, if the local party knew what percentage of a are fell into certain catergories then it would be able to say if a excutive was merged as a borough party the executive could be six times as big and instead of young labour meeting or a female wing it could be agreed that the local party would have to have equal amount of female and male member s who are not transgender to catergoirse as being the opposite gender to fit on the executive
    We’ve got to the stage where all women shortlists have served their purpose and could be called a day, We had men selected on all women shortlists

    So it maybe radical but how about not having any labour affialted orgaisnations it can be if there’s A local labour formed group outside London it puts on ithe internet that it has a policy that’s not been agree locally or by region,
    And then if that’s the case then say men Can be honorary members of the women’s groups but cant partiicapate if there was say a fundraiser for tryign to get literature to recommend protesting against a piece of legisation that would go agaisnt what was agreed was womens rights,

    SO while contraviersial If we had borough based parties that didn’t have speicific reps they could at the same time then saywe would like to catergorise for meeitngs if there’s a view on hleping Algo Asian, Indo east asain African ,carribean, and both working class, or womens rights or gay and lesbian and seperating trans mental health both able bodies and disabled, then via forums to talk, on policy motions and support, plus, if the local party knew what percentage of a are fell into certain catergories then it would be able to say if a excutive was merged as a borough party the executive could be six times as big and instead of young labour meeting or a female wing it could be agreed that the local party would have to have equal amount of female and male member s who are not transgender to catergoirse as being the opposite gender to fit on the executive
    certain areas have a working class based core vote and as such the Councillors are local they are part of the community, not to say hres not middle clas speopel who could live a couple of miles away form a working cass area and pretend to be working class and get to be Councillors as happened in dagenham

    again not to say the working class arent one collective of combined opinion
    of course if gropus like the fabians were afflated anyone can turn up ,like the co- op and they do have a women’s wing ,which while hosting meetings could have a prefered choice recommended but it wouldn’t’ be seen as the labour choice

    trouble is the London Party is not even listening to anyone with differing views if they’ve got ht financial and muscle power to be able to pay for and distribute the leaflets

    Think the final word on when Labour lose and the tories get at least a majority of 30(even if it doesn’t Snow) is, never listen to A word Owen Jones or Billy Bragg
    says again

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