The week Uncut

16/07/2011, 10:30:20 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Dan Hodges says phone hacking is not the silver bullet

Anthony Painter calls for media ownership reform

Kevin Meagher thinks Ed deserves a pat on the back

John Woodcock on the BskyB bid and media regulation

Atul Hatwal reports on Ed’s next move

Dave Talbot says big up to the Guardian

Ian Austin isn’t after blue or new, he wants future Labour

Matt Cavanagh says the government are spinning rising crime rates

… and this weeks Commons sketch

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The week Uncut

09/07/2011, 02:00:20 PM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Atul Hatwal on the Lib Dem reaction to the NoTW revelations

Anthony Painter says News International needs to be broken up

Dan Hodges on the kaleidoscope of renewal

Michael Dugher says the govt must swallow its pride and adapt to the Arab spring

Jonathan Todd says as Huhne divides, Labour must conquer

Peter Watt asks; can trees really be more “sexy” than people?

…and this weeks PMQs sketch

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The week Uncut

26/06/2011, 10:48:57 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Michael Dugher says Cameron doesn’t do detail

David Prescott offers his thoughts on refounding Labour

Atul Hatwal’s shadow cabinet goal of the month

Dan Hodges brings us David’s story and the commons sketch

Matt Cavanagh reports on the government’s sentencing shambles

Anthony Painter’s Sunday review, New British Fascism by Matthew Goodwin

Richard Costello says we must change how we operate

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The week Uncut

19/06/2011, 11:02:39 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Dan Hodges with his PMQs sketch and the confessions of a plotter

Atul Hatwal on the Tories and immigration

Nick Pearce on Ed Miliband and welfare reform

John Woodcock says: let the leader lead

Khan, Jowell and Murphy hope the government will do the right thing

… and we got to know Ivan Lewis a little better

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The week Uncut

11/06/2011, 02:42:29 PM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Dan Hodges says it’s time for Labour’s flat earthers to get real

Matt Cavanagh on Cameron’s lies and betrayal on knife crime

Michael Dugher says the NHS changes tell us all we need to know about Tories

Peter Watt looks at Labour’s funding challenge

John Denham says Labour needs relentless focus on private sector growth

Anthony Painter reviews the Master Switch by Tim Wu

Atul Hatwal says our message on the economy isn’t cutting through

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The week Uncut

04/06/2011, 10:31:10 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Peter Watt says it’s time to stop calling Dave posh

Atul Hatwal looks at Labour’s London problem

Kevin Meagher calls time on gesture politics

Dan Hodges on a party scared of its own shadow

John Woodcock warns of the Lib Dem threat

Sunder Katwala on the make up of the green benches

Jonathan Todd says Labour needs to realign with ordinary people

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The week Uncut

28/05/2011, 10:30:59 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Kevin Meagher thinks the Brown blockers are pathetic

Dan Hodges with the lessons from Ken week

Dennis Kavanagh on the twitterati and super injunctions

Jessica Asato with the positive alternative to denouncing the cuts

Michael Dugher looks at the government’s armed forces policy

Rob Marchant with the case for spending limits

… and the shadow cabinet work rate league table

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The week Uncut

22/05/2011, 10:30:46 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

David Lammy offers his take on blue Labour

Dan Hodges PMQs sketch

Peter Watt thinks it’s time to accept the cuts

Sunder Katwala calls out Progress

Jim Murphy says it’s not time to give up the nuclear deterrent

Alex Hilton on Ken Clarke and rape

… and Atul Hatwal brings us the shadcab goal of the month

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A year Uncut

18/05/2011, 08:02:43 AM

In case you’ve missed them, here are a selection of some of the best read, best written and most interesting posts on Uncut in the 12 months since we launched:

Dan Hodges’ 2011 year in review

The shadow cabinet pen portraits

Autumn, a poem by Chris Bryant

The Labour Uncut crowdsourcing hotseat: the leadership interviews

Tom Watson says a snap election would give Cameron the glory he craves

Peter Watt’s personal account of being hung out to dry

Cry baby Chris Kelly hits back with peace-loving-fighting-talk

Siôn Simon’s conference sketch

Down the pub with the Labour leadership contenders

Tom Harris’ post mortem of the Scottish elections

Sally Bercow speaks for disabled people

Atul Hatwal on the conspiracy of silence on immigration

Uncut exclusive: Klösters catastrophe as Osborne loses luggage

India Knight on the politicians of the twittersphere

Kevin Meagher on Tony Crossland’s challenge to Ed Miliband

Paul Corby’s obituary of Jimmy Reid

We break the Johnson resignation, and Balls’ promotion

Jessica Asato’s lessons from Tower Hamlets

Uncut’s conference diary, parts III and IV

Michael Dugher says AV’s a waste of time

John Woockcock loves New Labour

An early look at the Labour leadership campaigns

To everyone who has written, read, linked and commented on Uncut in the last year, thank you.

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The week Uncut

14/05/2011, 10:30:37 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Tom Harris examines what went wrong in Scotland

Atul Hatwal looks for Labour’s plan B

Dan Hodges is sick of losing for the same reason

Lisa Ansell offers up the first part of her state of play analysis

Anthony Painter says everyone is ignoring us, because we’re weird

Sunder Katwala wants us to laugh at Dan Hodges & Neal Lawson

Julianne Marriott says it’s time Labour stand up for the hardest hit

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