Posts Tagged ‘week uncut’

The week Uncut

11/09/2011, 05:24:25 PM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Atul Hatwal reveals that troop morale is plunging at the hands of the government

Dan Hodges says we may as well erect a statue of Peter Hain

Kevin Meagher calls for a Barnet formula for the north

Jonathan Todd asks: why can’t the West believe in itself?

Peter Watt thinks the Tories still have the best tunes

Dave Talbot asks: who’s the nasty party now?

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The week Uncut

21/08/2011, 08:38:05 PM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Atul Hatwal on Cameron’s super cop

Dan Hodges knows which side he’s on

Kevin Meagher says Labour should recover its patrician socialist streak

Anthony Painter’s Sunday review: Visions of England

Peter Watt thinks politics is boring and irrelevant

Jon Todd thinks Cameron is a second rate Ted Heath

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The week Uncut

16/07/2011, 10:30:20 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Dan Hodges says phone hacking is not the silver bullet

Anthony Painter calls for media ownership reform

Kevin Meagher thinks Ed deserves a pat on the back

John Woodcock on the BskyB bid and media regulation

Atul Hatwal reports on Ed’s next move

Dave Talbot says big up to the Guardian

Ian Austin isn’t after blue or new, he wants future Labour

Matt Cavanagh says the government are spinning rising crime rates

… and this weeks Commons sketch

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The week Uncut

14/05/2011, 10:30:37 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Tom Harris examines what went wrong in Scotland

Atul Hatwal looks for Labour’s plan B

Dan Hodges is sick of losing for the same reason

Lisa Ansell offers up the first part of her state of play analysis

Anthony Painter says everyone is ignoring us, because we’re weird

Sunder Katwala wants us to laugh at Dan Hodges & Neal Lawson

Julianne Marriott says it’s time Labour stand up for the hardest hit

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The week Uncut

16/04/2011, 10:30:53 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Atul Hatwal presents the shadow cabinet goal of the month competition

Dan Hodges thinks blue Labour needs a spinner

Tom Watson says Rebekah Brooks should resign

Michael Dugher reports back from Leicester South

Stella Creasy says private debt is this government’s public injustice

Nick Keehan reports on Cameron’s immigration speech

Sunder Katwala says Nick Cohen is wrong on religion

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The week Uncut

26/03/2011, 10:30:52 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Tom Watson decided to back Cameron… and then changed his mind

Dan Hodges says Libya is not Cameron’s first war, it’s Blair’s last

Sally Bercow predicted the usual Tory fare on budget day

Atul Hatwal reveals how the fuel stabiliser will hike household energy bills

Peter Watt asks: where’s the social care in the health and social care bill?

Rob Marchant doesn’t want Ed to march for the alternative

Jonathan Todd thinks Miliband can own the future in a way Cameron can’t

…and in this weeks Half a minute Harris, Tom backed Theresa May on student visas

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The week Uncut

06/02/2011, 10:30:09 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

Atul Hatwal says don’t believe the hype, Labour isn’t surging ahead

Richard Burden thinks the small change to AV could make a big difference

But Michael Dugher says the whole debate is a waste of time and money

Sally Bercow wants exploitatively high-cost lending to stop

Kevin Meagher says choosing office over power has destroyed the Lib Dems

Anthony Painter asks if the movement for change is the right direction

Andy Dodd takes a look at the big society and finds a hollow sham

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The week Uncut

04/12/2010, 10:30:00 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut in the last seven days:

We don’t see it, but our arrogance stops us from listening says Peter Watt

Dan Hodges interviews the “bionic Blairite” Hazel Blears

There’s no crisis and no division, just a duty to oppose says Michael Dugher

John McTernan makes the case for greybeards in the new generation

You don’t build the future by trashing the past argues Will Straw

Atul Hatwal says the Labour bandwagon needs to confront its lost estates

Blears and Cruddas join forces to fight IDS & Cameron & Uncut gets excited

Tom Watson is chasing down the enemy within: metal thieves

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The week Uncut

27/11/2010, 11:00:25 AM

In case you missed them, these were the best read pieces on Uncut last week:

Dan Hodges identifies a new demographic, the “vajazzled middle”

Sally Bercow says that Osborne’s VAT bombshell is both mad & bad

Nick Pearce sets even tests for Ed Miliband

Tom Watson says Andy Coulson is off, but there is more to come

Uncut leads the charge for Mandelson to appear on strictly

John Woodcock says it’s time to listen and think

Jonathan Todd on who the new Lib Dem President really is, and why

Anthony Painter says Lord Sugar is right and Nick Clegg is wrong

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The week Uncut

19/09/2010, 04:20:02 PM

With just a few days of voting to go, the leadership election is drawing to a close. On Saturday the coronation will take place in Manchester and opposition can begin. Well almost. On Sunday the new leader will wake, with a hang over, to the noise of 50 colleagues playing musical chairs with only 19 seats.

The shadow cabinet bun fight is well underway, hats have been thrown into rings. A flurry of letter writing, mass emailing, bulk texting, arm twisting, double crossing and general bad behaviour has already taken place. The three stand out letters so far have come from a talonted Maria, a brooding Tom and a thoughtful Eric.

It was the week that Ed M felt confident, David warned of heroic failures, Andy blamed his tools, Ed B wished the campaign was a little longer and Diane rocked the boat.

In case you missed them, here are Uncut’s best read pieces of the last seven days:

John Woodcock on why the new leader should bring back Peter Mandelson

Shadow cabinet elections are stupid enough without voting stupidly too, says Lesley Smith

Making childish noises at the unions is not the way to lead Labour, says Dan Hodges

As the cold war begins, so do the defections

We must make sure the country is with us on the union fightback, says Ruth Smeeth

We need a more sophisticated response to the big society, says Peter Watt

Blair was always the cynical grit in Labour’s oyster – which we still need, says Kevin Meagher

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